A Healthier
Tomorrow, Today.



"Imagine a world where healthy living seamlessly integrates into every aspect of family life. Our user-friendly app transforms this vision into reality by providing a nurturing platform for well-being."

Services Provide

UI UX Design

Mobile App



The application developed is intended to act as a personal health monitoring application targeted at preventing overweight and obesity in children. The client needed an application to track the users eating habit and remind them about their consumption.

Tech Stack:

Native iOS / Android / Node JS / Angular JS

Hours Spend:

400 +

Team Members:


Project Goals & Challenges

Streamlining Health Monitoring: Empowering Wellness

Fineart needs to develop an application which can be connected to digital wearable and so that tracking can be easy, a feature is needed to send reminder to the users if they have exceeded the limit. Fineart design team studied various user persona and come up with a design which will display the tracking and status.


Crafting Solutions Through User Lens

An application that is developed, which will display the food consumption and also users can set the limit of consumption, and can add BMI in the application. Complete healthcare monitoring app thus created by our team.


Revolutionizing Healthcare Communication

Child obesity monitoring application is born, through the application many end users gain the confidence of reducing obesity and the end result was a healthy lifestyle.


Referrals Analyzed


Users Gained



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