Sound Solutions for Vascular Health



"An innovative Vascular Access Surveillance System listens closely to the body's signals, catching issues early for better care. It's the proactive solution shaping brighter futures in hemodialysis."

Services Provide

UI UX Design

Web App



In the realm of hemodialysis, every moment counts. That’s why the NephTech Vascular Access Surveillance System is a game-changer. By analyzing acoustic signals, it detects vascular access stenosis early, giving healthcare professionals vital data to intervene promptly.

Tech Stack:

Node JS / Angular JS

Hours Spend:

400 +

Team Members:


Project Goals & Challenges

Overcoming Design Challenges in Data Integration

The current application lacked visual appeal and struggled to accommodate a larger volume of data on a limited screen space. The challenge presented to the design team was integrating Tab with an external device, plotting graphs based on device output, and presenting all information on a single screen.


Crafting Solutions Through User Lens

The transformative journey with Meetingful AI unfolded through a meticulous process guided by User-Centered Design (UCD). From the initial stages of user research to the iterative design process, every step was aimed at understanding user needs and enhancing patients experience.


Rapid Sensor Data Reflection Fuels Faster Actions

The system swiftly and dependably mirrored sensor signal fluctuations from the device, almost in real-time on the application screen, facilitating faster decision-making. Additionally, the user-friendly screens enabled the care team to analyze consolidated data promptly.


Referrals Analyzed


Users Gained



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