
Enterprise management

A web based portal through which a super admin can set up access for multiple companies. The companies can use their account to set up quizzes, push content like videos & news to the Envision mobile app. Companies can also link points & rewards to all activities and get insights on the overall wellness of their employees by tracking their progress.


Key challenges

A mobile and web solution that can be used by corporations to run health; wellness campaigns to motivate their employees.


Employees get free usage of the mobile app

The solution is subscription based for the corporation. Access can be purchased to the web portal to run campaigns; push health related content to the mobile app for employees.


Enterprise system easily managed multiple corporate accounts

The enterprise system easily managed multiple corporate accounts and their data, scaling as required, and allowed the corporate admins and the end users to access features easily and quickly. The continuous engagement facilitated by this system between management and employees increased employee satisfaction.


Project by the numbers

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